Printer Hacking 101

6 min readJul 21, 2021


Learn about (and get hands on with) printer hacking and understand the basics of IPP.

Task 1 Unit 1 — Introduction

In this room, we will look at the most common printer hacking techniques and will look at why they’re made vulnerable.

Mass printer hacking has been taking advantage of over the past few years. One example would be when one attacker hacked around 50,000 printers, printing out messages asking people to subscribe to PewDiePie. In the next task we’ll take a look at the reasons behind the success of this attack.

A sample print-out from the PewDiePie printer hacking incident

Answer the questions below

Q. Read the above

Ans: No Ans Needed

Task 2 Unit 2: IPP Port

The reason behind the printers’ vulnerability which effected those 50,000 printers, was simply an open IPP port.

“The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) — is a specialized Internet protocol for communication between client devices and printers. It allows clients to submit one or more print jobs to the printer or print server, and perform tasks such as querying the status of a printer, obtaining the status of print jobs, or canceling individual print jobs.”

When an IPP port is open to the internet, it is possible for anyone to print to the printer or even transfer malicious data through it (using it as a middleman for attacks).

A recent study by VARIoT (Vulnerability and Attack Repository for IoT) showed that there are still around 80 thousand vulnerable printers opened to the world. Most of them appear to run the CUPS server (which is a simple UNIX printing system).

Picture credit: Shadowserver

An open IPP port can expose a lot of sensitive information such as printer name, location, model, firmware version, or even printer wifi SSID.

Answer the questions below

Q. What port does IPP run on?

Ans: 631

hint (use google to find the ans)

Task 3 Unit 3: Targeting & Exploitation

Locating and Exploiting local network printers

Github: <- We’ll be using this awesome toolkit throughout this next bit!

The Printer Exploitation Toolkit is a handy tool that is used for both local targeting and exploitation.

You can install it by running the following commands:

git clone && cd PRET
python2 -m pip install colorama pysnmP

- Locating printers

Simply running python will start an automatic printer discovery in your local network.

It is also possible by running an Nmap scan on your whole network, but unfortunately, it might take a longer time. This is because the scan is focused on the ports which printer communication on by default, thus making it immensely faster.

Sample output from discovering accessible printers

- Exploiting

Now, it is time to finally exploit the printer.

There are exactly three options you need to try when exploiting a printer using PRET:

1. ps (Postscript)

2. pjl (Printer Job Language)

3. pcl (Printer Command Language)

You need to try out all three languages just to see which one is going to be understood by the printer.

Sample Usage:

python {IP} pjl
python laserjet.lan ps
python /dev/usb/lp0 pcl

(Last option works if you have a printer connected to your computer already)

After running this command, you are supposed to get shell-alike output with different commands. Run help to see them.

Various sample commands available in the different languages which printers can use to communicate

As you can see, PRET allows us to interact with the printer as if we were working with a remote directory. We can now store, delete, or add information on the printer.

(For more commands and examples read the project’s GitHub)

You can possibly try PRET on your printer at home, just to test its security.

Here’s a nice cheat sheet:

Practice — Bad Example of IPP configuration

I have attached a poorly configured CUPS server VM in this task.

Deploy it and access the IPP port at See if you can retrieve any sensitive information.
(PRET isn't going to work here as it is using port 9000 by default)

Note also: An ssh access to the machine allows you to set up ssh tunneling, opening all CUPS features and providing you an ability to use attached printers. SSH password can be easily brute-forced (weak password).

An example command for ssh tunneling:

ssh printer@ -T -L 3631:localhost:631

After doing so, you can easily add the CUPS server in your VM’s printer settings and even try to send some printing jobs.

Try out different techniques and have fun!

Answer the questions below

Note: important
You can install it by running the following commands:

git clone && cd PRET
python2 -m pip install colorama pysnmP

Q. How would a simple printer TCP DoS attack look as a one-line command?

Ans: while true; do nc printer 9100; done

Q. Review the cheat sheet provided in the task reading above. What attack are printers often vulnerable to which involves sending more and more information until a pre-allocated buffer size is surpassed?

Ans:Buffer Overflow

Q. Connect to the printer per the instructions above. Where’s the Fox_Printer located?

Ans:Skidy’s basement


here google search the <ip> address by using the port 631

fig 1
  • Use the printer option on the top menu.
fig 2

*Here we get the answer in the location.

Q. What is the size of a test sheet?

Ans: 1k


Here follow the steps given below

Step 1: After the process mentioned in the fig 2 click the Fox_Printer option.
google will redirect to the next page

Step 2 : After that select the option maintenance to print test page.
google will show some information in jobs below, as shown in the image fig 3

fig 3

*Here is the answer is shown in the image (size)

Task 4 Unit 4 — Conclusion

Turns out printer hacking isn’t that hard at all. The problem here arises from low awareness of these issues and multiple misconfigurations made by administrators and users.

A small research project of mine suggested that it is possible to get almost full server file access by simply exploiting the printer service running on it. A shock from this discovery motivated me to create this room and bring more attention to this.

Now, make sure you secure your printer by making it invisible for the outer internet and re-configuring administrator access.

Answer the questions below

Q. Check that your printer isn’t vulnerable, why not nmap scan it to see?

Ans: No Ans Needed

Q. Go learn more about printers through further research and experimentation. Congrats on completing this room!

Ans: No Ans Needed

Thanks to my guru
Sarath G




Written by shadowmaster

Student Of Sarath G. I am a Cyber Security Trainer & Ethical Hacker. Thanks to My Guru.

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